Thursday, November 18, 2010

Uncle M

When B was little my friend M would take us out to eat,  just B and M and I.  The hostess would invariably look in confusion at my blonde, blue-eyed boy and then at my dining companion and ask M if he would like a highchair for his son?  always with the question mark.  I got a good laugh out of it.  On the day these photos were taken my parents were visiting and we were around the corner from M's house so I called him up and asked him if he wanted to grab lunch with us.  He showed up in a matching outfit to little B.  Well, I do aspire for B to get his Uncle M's style sense, so I guess we we are on the right track.

Baby Boy School of Karate

More video goodness from my sister's library.  This is from our vacation on the North Fork over the summer. (PS we go from sweet kisses to karate chops and throwing sand....this is what boys grow into.  I can only hope that I teach my boy that both his exuberance and his kisses are important.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

BB and BFF...LIVE!

Working from my sister's house today, and got distracted by her photo library.  Sheesh, she has done a way better job of recording my son's life than I have (I think I've been too busy trying to keep him alive!) Found these videos and couldn't resist posting. 
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I LOVE these boys!